
Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

News from Falcata

Hermogenes from Falcata sent me his latest news which I have ordered. This time the Isabellinos as enemies for their already done Carlist range. Very interesting figures of a lesser known subject. On the other hand the Perry's already did the war in 28mm and published a book with a lot of information, uniformplates which is really interesting.

Then we have the paintings of Ferrer dalmau for this subject, just try to search his name in google to see hundreds of paintings, most of them for the Carlist war too. So maybe you will become interested in this campaign.

What was a great joy with this parcel were two painted Zvezda Zastrow Cuirassiers as a gift for our Borodino diorama in September. Many thanks for ths support here!

And then beside the ordered figures, Hermogenes sent me - as a gift again - several figures from his new ranges - 30YW war and Indian Mutiny. Wow the 30YW are really impressing while the Indian Mutiny is a very colourful subjet too wich already teased me but for which I just have five converted figures in my collection which I did after a visit in the Gordon Highlander museum 10 years ago... But now with Newline's Sikh-war range several of the figures could be useful for the 1857 campaign too and together with Falcata we would have a big selection for my favourite colonial subject - India before 1860:-))

If you want to see the news from Falcata then go to their blog and enjoy photos like their Tercio

Ok, and now I have to search for my Alatriste DVD:-))))

Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Hanks artillery at Silistra 1854

Some month ago Hank sent me as a gift a Verlinden 1/72 Confederate siege gun. I haven't know before that Verlinden is producing 1/72 stuff too. This (expensive) gift was very welcome!

Now he sent photos of his own and it is really impressing to see what Hank is able to convert. I can't wait to see the whole diorama later this year. Made with a lot of love of details and - as I like it - an exotic subject.

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

Borodino 2012 - Next step

Here you can see the next step on the great redoubt. Wolfpits in front of the ravine and just to show the size three ranks of selfmade Garde Du Corps (20 ranks in a file). Yesterday we had a painting evening and I was able to nearly finish 18 Strelets Garde Du Corps. Well not the best figures on the market, but beside the conversions we made the only available figures on the subject.

So far I have already 1200 painted Russian infantry in my collection, mostly Esci with several sets of Zvezda. I think that is enough for two batallions on the flank of the redoubt.

Belgrad 1456 2nd try

Last time I was posting this subject google told me that I can't load up more photos and I was just able to post three of them. In the meantime Krisztian published much more photos of the exhibition and here you have the whole diorama.

Some of the figures are sculpted by Zsolt Schäfer and are for sell as metals (you have seen them in the posts before). So if you want to help the guys in Hungary and buy some figures contact them under or simply send a mail to me and I can arrange things.

But now the diorama

Really great to see for what medieval figures are useful. I never thought about let them fight anything like French and maybe Swiss....

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Ingo's SYW Austrians again

Some guys asked me for bigger photos of Ingo's Austrians. Here they are, this time in a better resolution.
Thanks Ingo!! This time you can zoom them.

Some Grenadiers as you need them to fight all these Prussians from Zvezda, HAT etc.

To be honest these cavalrymen see very little action. But you always need some standing in reserve position which they did most of the time in a battle. The second from left is a wounded - or vomitting because of fear before the attack.-)))

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

Krisztian is increasing my Mysore army

This time he got the job from me to paint some special rocketeers and officers from my own range. Here is the result. I like these coloured guys!!!

Now I am thinking about a diorama with the battle in front of the walls of Seringapatam. Not the 1799 one, the 1792 battle would be much more interesting - the Britsh retreated:-))

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

ACW from Strelets

Well you know the ACW command sets Strelets did in the past. But do you know their infantry sets?
For sure not as these are conversions from Hank who found his interest in the American civil war after being on several holiday-tours, visiting the battlefields.

See here what you can simply paint from Strelets 1877 Russians and Turks (ok, he hasn't shown the Turks as New York Zouaves so far.-))), or conversions from Boers.

Well you know the enthusiasm with which Hank build his Kalafat diorama and his work on Silstra 1854. Great subjects in my mind. Now with his changing into something more "mainstream" in my eyes I can imagine that several of you are interested to see more on this subject in the future?