
Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

The Mexican adventure

This time I can show you some conversions of the Belgian legion in Imperial service in Mexico 1860ies. They fight some Mexicans.

And all this is Massimos latest work. The funny thing is, that I think they will be casted in metal soon and could be available within some weeks. A very interesting subject!

And here some uniform-plates for this unit. Maybe I can ask Massimo for the Austrian legion too?.-))

4 Kommentare:

  1. The Mexican Adventure is fascinating and these figures are marvellous! Who will be producing them?

  2. Good Lord Uwe - where do you find the time to get all these done?

  3. Hi Matt,

    Tom Winterkamp from CW-Toys ordered them and wants to cast them. I already sent more uniform-plates to Massimo. Hopefully he will add the rest of the Imperial army.

    Hey Conrad, yesterday I got the parcel with the Viviandrines and a lot of the other figures. So if you want some, sent me a mail to

    Of course everybody else too, I need to refund myself to order new masters done:-))))


  4. BTW, I forgot to say that having the figures is one step, painting them the next. So far I have around 50.000 painted figures in my collection, but surely nearly 200.000 unpainted ones too.

    So I have a lot to do when I retire (in around 20 years):-)))
