
Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

Alfred's Aztek collection

In the past Alfred worked with Revell as historical specialist (for which I am greatful, because all the figures in this time had correct poses). The Azteks and Spaniards were a dream of him, which he was able to fulfill in this times. Seeing now how expensive these figures are being offered at Ebay I think he is not the only one...
See here what he did with them. One day I hope to get from him photos of his dioramas. So far here are the photos from his shelves.

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

And here are the Poles in 1/72

Now it is done. The casting is made by Jörg Schilling who did the great Brunswick infantry too and I am very impressed by the quality., See here all the available poses at the moment.

Fusilers, Grenadiers and Voltigeurs. I put an Esci figure beside them that you can recognise the scale.
Ok, to cover my costs I have to sell 1500 figures in all and I hope you help me here:-)

And as they arrived this weekend too, here the photo of the Mysore masters which will go to the caster next week.

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

Conquest of Norway 1814

My friend Peter Johannson from Sweden sent me this photos of a little diorama he is working on. As a Swede it has of course to be Swedish history. And this makes it very interesting to me. For two years I made a research on the Swedish army in the Napoleonice wars and Peter was very helpful with translations.

Here we have a clash for a village in Norway in 1814 (sorry Peter, I forgot the name). It is really good to see what can be done with a little conversions. The campaigndress of several figures and the mixture of trousers, greatcoats etc. gives it a real look. And it is something special!

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

The Poles are available

This afternoon I went outside to revome the used Pampers from my little daughter
(ok, so far not interesting for most of you). But when I wanted to put them in the waste ton we have, I recognised a small parcel beside the litter box. What a surprise, the postman put it there two days ago and it was from the caster who sent me the Polish infantry. All in all 19 different poses, Grenadiers, Füsiliers and Voltigeurs. I showed the photos of the masters on the blog some months ago. Now they are available for sell. I hope to post painted samples soon.
For the beginning here a few uniformplates I found on the web some time ago. Enjoy them and think how good a Polish army would be on your wargame table:-)))

Samstag, 18. Juni 2011

New Mysore masters

I am really impressed by Ingo's output!!!

The second from the right is a Bengal infantryman of the middle of the 18th century. The others are Mysoreans to fight my Seopys and British. I asked some other poses from Ingo to round up the infantry.

Again something from Alfred's collection

Seeing all this old Airfix-Conversions in Alfred's collection brings nostalgic thoughts in my mind. The days when we were "forced" to think how to make figures we wanted for a diorama or wargame. Today we have nearly all what we want (ok, I have always new ideas).

These Austrian Grenzers here are some of my favourites in his collection. Maybe you recognise the Airfix Confederate infantry or the Revell and Esci-figures. The capes are made with paper handkerchiefes. I hope you enjoy the photos and maybe the tease you to make your own conversions.

Montag, 13. Juni 2011


Last week Leo from Argentina sent me the four masters he made for the army of Tipoo Sahib to fight my Sepoys. This morning Ingo surprised me with a photo.

He simply took the photos from this link of one of my favourite other blogs and tried to do the same in 1/72. Not bad, a Mysorean regular and a Bengal sepoy for the time before 1780

Ingo promised me to make 4-5 more Mysoreans, so that in all I have around 10 poses which I can offer to everyone who is interested and who already bought the Sepoys.

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Some flats between

Here are some more photos from a figure fair which I made in Höchstädt castle, two kilometers from the battlefield of Blenheim.

First Bavarian infantry 1684-1715 (the 1684 are sometihing I want to paint from the 1690 own production) and afterwards a few photos from a 1809 Tirolean diorama, the battle of Wörgl.

Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

Painted own production

See here three photos which I got from Ingo tonight. Anamites, Bengal lancers and the new 1690 figures.

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

Anamites for Indochina

As some of you asked me about the figures here is the first photo of the painted Anamites.
These are the guys who fought the French in the beginning of the campaign of 1884. Later the Black Flags and the regular Chinese army joined them.

As French are available from Redbox (ok, don't let us talk about this) and are easily to convert I wanted to start with their enemies. These could be useful for the boxer rebellion too.

If someone wants to order some, send me a mail. Price is 80 Eurocent for each. The profit goes into the range to pay for more masters.

WW1 Western Front

One of my hobby-friends here in Bavaria is Thomas Dürrschmidt. He helped in the past with the Hastings-Diorama and did a lot of smaller dioramas himself. Last week he sent me over photos from his latest project. Being a father of two little children like me it is hard for him to find the time to paint - oh this sounds so familiar to me.....

Hopefully I can tease him to help with Pyrrhus too:-)

Ok, here the photos: