
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

New photos from Thomas Mischaks Waterloo collection

Last week Thomas sent me some new photos of new painted figures for his diorama.

I hope one day he will send a whole series where we can see the diorama complete:-)))

This is an officer from the Kielmannsegger Jägerkorps. A nice idea, done from the HAT Prussian reserve infantry.

I think newline design here - looks like stiff and frozen:-))

The expensive Waterloo set - Well, what is not expensive from Waterloo 1815?

Puh, I guess Wogelin figures?

The new HAT set - I still haven't removed mine from the sprue...

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

New shop and figures from Schillings

Their is a new shop from Schilling figures. Take a look at this Link , reminds me anyhow on our new one:-)))

New figures are also available. Ok, this 28mm stuff is not my cup of tea, but I guess for some of you surely interesting. And their is always hope to get the same in 1/72,

ACW infantry marching

These are Lützower infantry.

This here is a difference, Dutch infantry 1940 - and in 1/72, but in my eyes bigger ones. 

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Schaumburg Bückeburg Carabiniers in the SYW

During the last few weeks the Seven Years war came into my focus. One reason was, that I have to make some research for Hobby-friends, the other was that with filling our shop at Hagen-miniatures we got a lot of offers for the SYW from different hobby-friends.

So for example Rüdiger Fischer sent some great stuff with Old Fritz and peasants, Ingo sent his Austrian army figures, John sent his Wodensfeld French infantry etc., etc.

Now I thought I want to have more on the Western front of the war, French fighting the British and German units there. What would be an interesting unit for this campaign? My dream always have been the
Schaumburg-Bückeburgsche Carabiniers. The most exotic unit in the SYW in my eyes.

If you want to read about their history take a look here. And for the German speaking between you simple read or print down the regimental history from Goggle-books.

So I guess this is an interesting unit both for Wargamers and Modelleres. I asked Uwe Ehmke to make me a unit of them skirmishing for the beginning. No matter of their appearance this was a unit of light cavalry!!

See here the first photo

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Vauban fortress

Some weeks ago I found this on Ebay - very impressing

I think such a fortress could be vefy useful for several dioramas and wargames.

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

200.000 visitors

Looking at my statistiks today I was happy to see that this blog passed the 200.000 mark. Many thanks for your interest in the work we do!!!!!

So the next goal is the 500.000 in 2015 :-)))))) I hope to have enough stuff on photos to fill the pages here.

Uwe (opening a bottle now)

Petra - by Stephan Berry

After posting soo much about new masters, projects etc. I thought it is time to search out more dioramas from my friends or the old times when I had no digital cam. So hopefully I find the time to scan some of the old projects photos soon.

Here at first another piece of art from Stephan - Romans hunting down (ok, they try) some Nabateans.
It reminds me on the Simon Scarrow novel with the Judean uprising, can't remember the title at the moment.

A nice mixture of figures. I think these Caesar biblicals are timeless. And for the Romans - I already thought about some Dromedaries for my own army too.

And as usual for Stephan, a great landscape. I think we have seen a lot of Roman dioramas fighting against Celts and Germans but sadly in "our" scale not much for the eastern frontier.  So hopefully this would not be the last on the subject. 

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

1670ies range from Nostalgic revival

Some of you mabe know my friend John's blog nostalgic revival. Ok, I can't say he was very busy here in the last few month.....

But John is busy selling figures. Strange he sells more without a shop than I do with two....
Must depend on the great old nostalgic figures of which he bought the rights to repoduce.

But not just selling the old stuff, John is working on new conversions too to expand his ranges. For example these guys here, converted from Les Higgins 20mm figures by Robert Hall who is the specialist for this period in my eyes!

These guys are very useful for the early wars of Louis XIV in the Netherlands, up to ghe Glorious revolution, maybe Tangier 1680ies, battle of the Boyne and the war of the League of Augsburg. Not to forget the siege of Vienna and the Turkish wars of this period. Later they changed the muskets and the 12 apostels disappeared. But in my mind this has taken a longer time then we thought as the military is usually first working down the old stuff before introducing the new modern material.

So if anyone is interested and doesn't know John's mail-address let him put it down in the comments

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

More Schutztruppe from Massimo

The subject is going forward, one figure every week so far.

Now these guys are on their way to Germany and we will try to put them into a mould.

I think they are a mixture from the different Becker-paintings I put on the blog some weeks ago.
For example this one here

Beside the figures he is doing for me, Massimo is still increasing his charge of the light Brigade diorama which is still for sell!!! See here some of the personalities. I think Cardigan looks really like the one in the movie "Charge of the light brigade". The other one the captain of the lancers, can't remember his name at the moment.

Montag, 4. Februar 2013

Bengal regular light cavalry for Assaye

And here are the next masters for the Wellington in India series, made by Ingo.
You can use these units up to the Sikh wars.

Horses for all my figures will come later. You have seen the carved ones Deniz made. We will use them for the whole range of the own production later.

this here is a 1835 uniform

 while these guys are napoleonic

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

And BB made Prussian jäger too

But I am sure Massimo can make better ones:-)))

The last ones are from the old Minifigs S-range. true 25mm figures which fit very well with todays 1/72 figures. And they look much better in my eyes.