
Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Rocroi - the last bunch of photos

Just in case it is boring for you the good thing is this will be the last post about the Rocroi diorama.

For the rest, enjoy them:-))

Montag, 28. Oktober 2013

28mm Prussian artillery for 1806-07 from Ingo

You know that I am focused on 1/72 alone. My friend Ingo seems to change to 28mm. A pity as he did great stuff in 1/72 too. A lot of guys changed to 28mm what I can understand as the figures are really good.

On the other hand too expensive for creating huge dioramas and I have already a collection of 70.000 painted 1/72 ones.

But that doesn't stop me from showings Ingo's figures here which will be for sale from the Schillings soon I guess.

In 1/72 we have the HAT artillery - but one things that is missing are the Towarcies (lancers) I think this could be a go for Hagen...

Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

The Etruscian temple from Stephan Berry

In the meantime Stephan finished another ancient masterpiece.

I think the early Italian - or Roman - history is still not really covered in 1:72. So I liked it to get this little gem to show it here

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

Cröbern 1813 - part of the battle of Leipzig

The historians between you surely recognised that last week was the 200th aniversary of the battle of nations in Leipzig.

There was a big show with around 6000 reenactors etc. and on the last weekend the official battle.

Beside this there were special exhibitions in the museums. One of them is a really breathtaking dioram from Wolfgang Meyer and his friends.

The photos which follow here are from Andy Brune with the permission of Wolfgang Meyer.
Wolfgang has his own homepage at There you can see the making of and much more photos.

In my eyes the best diorama I have ever seen in this scale - and for sure the most expensive as it was made completely of Art-Miniaturen figures - and all of them originals:-)

For those of you who like the figures they see, they are all for sale at the Art-Miniaturen shop.

This here is the most shocking....

Montag, 21. Oktober 2013

The masters for San Juan Hill are ready

Massimo sent me this photos today which means that within 10 day we will have the figures and then we will put them in the mould ASAP.

Oh I like this subject so much, can't wait to start to work on a diorama. In the past I painted Airfix Anzacs and Marines to Yankees and ACW confederates into Spanish. Now there are some proper guys to paint.

For those of you interested in the campaign and who don't have sources in the library there are two good
books which offer plates and an overview of the campaign

Brassey''s Spanish-American war

Of course an Osprey

for the battle itself - the Osprey Campaign

And here are the photos of the masters.

And so should it look like :-))