
Freitag, 26. Februar 2016

Russian Guards 1812

Here we have the latest set in our Range. To fight all these Frenchmen Andre wanted to have a set of Russian Guard infantry (Grenadiers).

So what do you say to them? Of course most of them irregular poses.

Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016

Bailen Diorama 1808

This is the last of the dioramas in the Spanish figure-museum Timo sent the photos over.

Seeing the Guard de Paris and the Marines of the Guard this must be the battle of Bailen.

The figures are Hinchcliffe 25mm I think.

Not my scale, but it looks good:-)

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016

Israelites 700 BC

Biblical history is one of my favourite subjects as I like these early armies.

For my Assyrian army I searched for an enemy. Egyptians in 700 BC looked different to Ramses troops, Babylonians are looking similar and other enemies as Hittites, Elamites etc. are also not available.

The siege of Lachisch is a diorama I have in mind since I found this painting here
 Maybe someone can offer the painting in a bigger file?

And here two battlelines of a field-battle in this period to give an idea how the formations looked like

So I asked Darek to sculpt me some Israelites for the siege of Lachisch after the uniform-plates I gave him. This is the result (the two half naked ones will get some cloth too).

Light slingers and javelinmen as well as some infantry. I just have to search out the right style of the shields for the heavier guys.

Sonntag, 14. Februar 2016

Mark's West African army

Years ago Mark asked me if I can find a sculptor who can make him some figures for a Sokoto Cavalry army.

That was in the days before we founded Hagen-Miniatures and the masters were expensive.

I asked Mark to send me some photos of his painted army. See here the waves of cavalry which can charge other African armies, Slave-Traders or in the end the British army. The latter wasn't a good idea...

For those of you interested in the subject, go for this book:

And just for fun, here a few photos from my archive