
Montag, 29. November 2021

We start selling the first part of Thomas Lauble's Heritage

In the past, I wrote about the death of my made Thomas Lauble. 

Here, as announced, the first part of the "Thomas Lauble Heritage" list. This first part mainly contains models, WW1 + WW2 figures. The big list of 2500 boxes with historical figures is yet to come.

If you would like to purchase items from this list, please send an email to Andy at

We have kept the prices very simple: € 6 per pack, no matter which manufactor, model or figures. 

From 10 packs onwards € 5 per item + shipping costs.

Payment in advance, delivery by DHL or Hermes.

Please give your full address with the order e-mail!

Samstag, 27. November 2021

New photos from Thomas Mischak's Waterloo Diorama

 I know Thomas for over 20 years now. When I saw his big cellar and the Waterloo diorama the first time, it was filled with Airfix and Esci figures. 

Thomas has a problem - he can't get more space. So he went into changing the quality of the diorama. Time and again he exchanges the figures, works on the ground work etc. etc. 

Here the latest photos I have got, when some hobbymates visited him

Mittwoch, 24. November 2021

Andy started his first kickstarter project - Arc-Lamp Construction kit

 I have seen it in real life - also the lady behind it:-) Marilyne is a professional artist, who already helps me increasing the units for Korbitz and the next Project Schellenberg.

This lamp is an interesting idea. I saw it the first time, when we met some month ago. The light comming from all sides is much more better than having simple lamps - at least for my eyes.

If you want to support Andy too, go to this link

Sonntag, 21. November 2021

The next new set of Blackwatch miniatures - 18th Century Civilians

 They are thought for another Highland (Outlander) diorama at the dioramica. But I am sure, they are useful for many other subjects too.

The only question is, should we put branches in the box:-) 

Mittwoch, 17. November 2021

As French infantry in Bardin Uniforms seems so popular...

 here is the next set from Frank. Soon avaiable at Hagen Miniatures

Sonntag, 14. November 2021

British infantry at Waterloo

 I knew, when I write this title, I would get more visitors:-)

Our Hobbyfriend Michael Mischko wanted to join the Hagen team and start his own production. As you see the focus is on one of the most popular Napoleonic subjects.

The sculptor of this range is Ingo, who already sent the first figures over.

I like to see some different loading poses. The first set of four figures has an obvious inspiration:-)

The figures are already available here

Samstag, 6. November 2021

New French line infantry in Bardin uniform

 Frank Ziegler thought, you can never have enough French infantry for a Waterloo diorama.

Here is the official photo for his first set to come. 

Mittwoch, 3. November 2021

The museum of the old Fritz

 Andy was in the holidays in South-Western Germany. From his tour he sent me some photos of a museum, so far unknown to me.

Some flat figure dioramas are on show - of course as often seen Leuthen.