
Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

Borodino - next part

While the Garde du Corps charged the redoubt from the flank the Zastrow Cuirassiers on the right of them took on the Russian squares besides the redoubt.

See here my Russian square with a mix of infantry and Opolchiene. In this period of the campaign the Russians already had high casualties too and were forced to fill up their units with militia. Because of the shortage of uniforms the latter one had their old uniforms. And this was going up until Paris in 1814. So imagine how the Russian army (and the Prussians too) in 1813 looked like. 

 Here Schmitty covers the last part of the diorama with our ground work in the early morning before they opened the door for visitors

2 Kommentare:

  1. Awesome! Thisis just awesome! I can look for hours to this kind of pictures!

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. What I said last time goes for this too. simple, and picturesque.
