
Sonntag, 23. Mai 2010


Because Aspern with 16.000 figures was a big job and we needed two years to create this diorama, I asked Alfred if he can show his Aliwal again and we would reinforce it with some more hundred figures.

So we decided to put Aliwal on show again at the DUZI in 2008. As since the birth of the diorama much more useful figures came on the market we were able to use a lot of figures from the Strelets Crimean war range as well as more conversions from Esci.

A unit that I wasn't able to convert and which are not available in 1/72 on the market are the Sikh Akali fanatics.

So I asked Alex of Valdemar fame who is another hobbyfriend of mine for his help.
Alex helped and sculpted for me 8 different poses of Sikh Akalis. Great to have such friends!

As our diorama usually take some money and we do this all as enthusiasts and not to earn money I thought it is fair to offer these figures for sell.

In the meantime I had the idea to make my own range of figures in 1/72. The idea behind was to bring figures on the market that for sure (what is sure with nearly 300 new sets a year?) no manufactor will ever do. So I've collected some money from other enthusiasts and with this I paid sculptors and casters to make the troops we wanted. All the profit from selling them will go into new masters, nobody earns money with it. BTW, these figures are sometimes soooo exotic, that you can't sell enough of them to cover the cost of the master already. But for me as a collector it is good to have them:-)

Here are some photos of the Akalis

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