
Samstag, 1. Januar 2011

Brunswickers at Waterloo

Yesterday I've got some new photos from Arndt Wolframs Waterloo diorama. A Brunswick square attacked by the 2nd lanciers rouge.

While the lancers are the new Zvezda figures, the Brunswickers are the interesting stuff. They are from Jörg Schilling, sculpted by Andy Peters and available from several sellers. I will give you just the link from Kai Fuhrmann, because here you see the photos. With 60 Eurocent each they are the cheapest metals in Germany.

And here some photos from Arndt

3 Kommentare:

  1. Boah!! That´s some set up!! Any produces some great little sculpts...I saw some for real at the DUZI this year.
    Frohes neues Jahr

  2. How long did that take to set up!
