
Freitag, 6. Mai 2011

Massimo sells his dioramas

Hi guys,

for those of you who are interested in buying these little gems, Massimo sent me a mail that he wants to sell them.

Ok, I have two children to feed and can't afford them, but maybe you want contact him under   and make things clear.

Here is what he has and what he wants:

Three cheers for Lousiana - Bull Run - äh sorry, 1st Mannassas of course:-)) I had it in my hands last week and was very impressed!

1000 Euro!

8th Hussars in the Crimea - 650 Euro

Gallipoli - 700 Euro

 Irish fusiliers in the Boer-war - 300 Euro

Japanese ambush 1904 - 250 Euro

1 Kommentar:

  1. Very nice dios...some of the best I have seen in this scale but way out of my pocket money range,
