
Dienstag, 30. August 2011


We all know Switzerland as a peacful country, famous for its landscape, high prices and especially chocolate!

But in the past the Swiss were famous for their soldiers who as foreign regiments fought in most European armies of the 18th and 19th century.

Alfred had the chance to visit several of their museums and at his facebook page he shows some photos from his trip. Ah seeing this red coats of the 19th century makes me wondering that my Garibaldians still need some more enemies for the 1860 campaign.

See here some photos of Swiss Line and Light infantry in Neapolitan pay

And who wants to create some units too, take a look here at the shop from the guys of Worean who still offer some of Aude historica's 20mm Garibaldi range. Strangly on Aude's homepage they disapperad as well as the English version of the shop.

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