
Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Something flat - Zusmarshausen 1648

At my job I am being often on tour through Bavaria, giving teachings etc. In one of the tours I passed by the village of Zusmarshausen. It came to my thought that there is a small flat figure diorama for the last battle of the 30YW on Bavarian soil, so I decided to visit the small town. They have a small museum but in this little about the battle is on display. But they created a wandering-way of this running battle with a lot of signs and explanation text what happened where, which culminanted in front of Augsburg with the Imperials stand behind a stream. Finally the French and Swedish gave up the pursiut.

See here some photos I have made  years ago in the Ingolstadt museum. With the new Falcata 30YW comming now and a lot of unpainted Art-Miniaturen for this subject I thought it would be a nice idea for a diorama in 1/72 too. Especially with already 1500 painted plastics and metals in my collection already done:-)))

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