
Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

And the best news for me this week...

... was the parcel from Michael Cremerius with the first resin castings of the 1870 Bavarian infantry made by Massimo. We found a way of casting these figures which made me very happy.

Now poor Massimo got a lot of work and orders from us. On the other hand he is young and needs the money:-)))

Here the first photo I got from them so that you can see the details.

Now the resin samples I got are on the way to Ingo who will add bases on them and afterwards they will got to Jörg who will cast them in metal.

Massimo has already made around seven more poses of dead and dying. And with the French infantry from HAT which I will get within the next two weeks the first 30 figures for the war are available. I hope for several hundred more:-)))

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