
Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Rocroi - General de Fontaine

The Spanish infantry general de Fontaine was carried in a Sedan chair at the battle (he was not the youngest).
Sadly the General was killed at the battle and the French took the chair which is now on display in the
Les invalides museum in Paris.
See here Massimos conversions of the command group. And these figures are not just to show around
Michael Cremerius from Germania will produce them and they will be available, hopefully next spring. I could imagine that some collectors would be interested to have this Gem in their collection.

3 Kommentare:

  1. I just wanted to inform you that I nominated your blog for the Leibster blog award.
    Your challenge, should you accept it, is to award five other blogs for the same

  2. This looks very good. Interesting composition and not ordinary.

  3. very good! seems like a really cool little scene.
