
Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

Our latest figures - Polish winged Husars and Panzernis

These are the first figures of our new range of the Polish army in the 17th century. More will follow soon to round up a complete army for this period.  Here standing and marching poses, something we miss in the Zvezda set.

The only available (but difficult to get) Panzernis on the market are the four figures from Morion.
So I think we should try to go for some more action poses of these soon.

And as an enemy of course Turkish Spahis:-)

30 hours work from Massimo to create these little gems.

4 Kommentare:

  1. I'm very glad for the pancerni. When I get to it, I'm going to convert the Zvezda Russian cavalry for some sort, but I'll definitely have some of these too.

    1. There will be much more of them. We want to complete the long discussed subject of the siege of Vienna with the Polish, Turkish and Imperial army step to step now. More Panzernis in fighting positions will follow. in the meantime I would suggest the Morion-Figures which are still available at the market.


  2. These are really, really nice Figures. I will not start a new scale - i have enough to do with my projects in 15mm and 28mm. But these are really a temptation to paint some of them :-)

  3. I agree with Alex - really seducing figures! You will paint them marvelously, as usual, I am sure. Show us then the pictures, ok?
