
Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

Cuddalore - Grenadiers and Highlanders ./. Austrasie and Royal Rousillon

While the French pushed back the Hanoverians in the center, the Brigade of British Grenadiers and the 73rd Highlanders came from the open right flank of the French which the Madras Europeans had opened through pushing the Mysore troops back.

Austrasie stopped following the Hanoverians, leaving La Marck to do the rest and moved up to the right flank together with a bataillon of Royal Rousillon and the Sepoys attached to Austrasie.

The French stopped the British advance and an exchange of salvoes started on this part of the battlefield.

The French infantry in the front line, see the regimental artillery between the companies.

 In the second line the Sepoys from Regiment Austrasie

Two bataillons of British Sepoys supported the European British. Well, I wasn't able to complete this unit, so here we have just two companies...

 Some British staff officers behind the unit

Here the Highlanders which I asked Massimo to sculpt for me as no 1780ies Highlanders are available  in 1/72 so far.

 Some more Sepoys in support

 Just an overview along the line on the left

 The Grenadier Bataillon from Royal Rousillon

 Here again two photos from the regimental artillery

 Close up from the Sepoys. This head-variation with the Turban Alfred sculpted from the 1800ies Sepoys I already had in the shop.

 Some close ups of the line to see the quality of the painting.

 Here the front of the Highlanders

 Here a ball from the British artillery went through.

Behind the French line of course some stuff officers too.

Along the French line

 Well, I want to promote my 1780ies Sepoys a little. Maybe some of you will buy them in the shop:-)

 This may confuse some of you. Red Sepoys on the French side. Just the Sepoys from Austrasie had the green uniform. The Sepoys of the other regiments had a red uniform and the facings of their mother unit. Well, they soon changed the colour when facing the British....

 Here a close up of musicians in the Royal Livre

2 Kommentare:

  1. A very fine display. Do you ever add smoke or explosions to your models?

  2. Well I thought about making some some on the muskets of a firing line, but in the end forgot it. Explosions with round shot is a little bit difficult:-)


