
Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Pancho Villa

Hi guys,

for those of you interested in this subject, Early-war-Miniatures brought a new range on the market

Great figures like this here available

Beside this figures for Pancho Villa are available from Spencer Smith. Some years ago Old John
sent me this photos from Jacklex

All of them available here

Of course we ourselves have figures for this period in our range:-)

In my own collection I have also figures from BB-Miniatures. But I haven't found them in their actual range. Now the Mexican regular army would be nice...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. Sorry, meant to say: Jack Alexander (Jacklex) recommended using the Jacklex 1905 Japanese for Mexican Federales - I think this works pretty well

  3. Do You plan on expanding You great Mexican range? Those are the best figures for this period in this scale. Gunfighters would be great alas..

  4. Hi guys - Japanese have at least the same style of headgear. But that is it. I think we will make the right uniform.

    Umpapa - Markus already ordered Mexican horsemen to increase the range and has a lot of other ideas. So there will be more!

