
Freitag, 27. Februar 2015

8eme ligne from Frank

These guys are now in our shop. Frank sent me the photos of his first painted unit. Hopefully they sell well and Frank will order some more to create:-)

the 8eme had a special bearskin with a visor as some Polish units had too.

Vive la Revolution!!

Samstag, 21. Februar 2015

"Lost sets" - Zvezda and 3D Model Studio

A friend of mine found the link to the sculptors homepage. For these guys I am waiting since years now. But will they ever hit the market?

More photos you can see here.

The next lost sets are the 1/72 Chinese armies from 3D-Model Studio. I had the chance to get their Han-armies through CW-Toys some years ago. But this range which is called "Romance Of the Three Kingdoms" sadly never hit the market.

They announced them on 25th July 2012 and that was the last I heard. Check the old link at

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

Texan uprising in 1/72

My old friend Pierre had the chance to visit some Museums in the USA. He brought back some nice photos from the local museums.

This is something for the nostalgic fanes between us. No impressing paintjob and the "conversions" are interesting. But I like the scenes. Goliath is my favourite

First Alamo

Now Goliad

28mm Bengal Lancers from Massimo for Sale

So Massimo is not only sculpting 1/72 but is very good in other scales too. These two guys here he made for a friend of his.

The figures are for sale in metal and unpainted, each pair five Euros plus postage. If you are interested send a mail to

Montag, 16. Februar 2015

Austrian Grenzers

Here the latest set which we will bring into the shop soon. I always wanted to have more Grenzers available than the few from HAT:-) At least a proper firing line.

Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

Our next dioramaproject Poitiers 1356

Some month ago I put the photos of the first figures I painted for this diorama. All together we have passed the 1000-figure-mark in the meantime.

Now Alfred came with the idea to make some "figures" - to make it clear a range of 10 helmets, 10 pairs of arms and 10 torsos. So we can create all in all 1000 different poses with the costs of just 10 masters to pay for.

Let's see if it works. It will take longer to glue the parts together than painting them:-)

Alfred sent photos over how the guys could look like, photos from the figure-museum again with nice ideas of other conversions we could make to extend the range. So there are not just Revell and Italeri figures on the plate:-)