
Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

Our next dioramaproject Poitiers 1356

Some month ago I put the photos of the first figures I painted for this diorama. All together we have passed the 1000-figure-mark in the meantime.

Now Alfred came with the idea to make some "figures" - to make it clear a range of 10 helmets, 10 pairs of arms and 10 torsos. So we can create all in all 1000 different poses with the costs of just 10 masters to pay for.

Let's see if it works. It will take longer to glue the parts together than painting them:-)

Alfred sent photos over how the guys could look like, photos from the figure-museum again with nice ideas of other conversions we could make to extend the range. So there are not just Revell and Italeri figures on the plate:-)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Pretty cool stuff- i'd like to see this in it's final glory!


  2. Great! Hats off for the idea using WW1 and WW2 British figures, because of the helmets.

  3. Lots of great conversion ideas here, can you tell us where is the figuremuseum that the photos were taken in,
    Best wishes, Brian

    1. Hi Brian,

      they were too from the museum in Calezano, Italy. See the other posts I made from this museum.


  4. Neat, I've been making an HaT El Cid army recently.
