
Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015


Who of you remembers the 4-part TV-Series with Kadir Bey based on the books of Emilio Salgari?

A friend of mine is a collector of movies and TV-Series and Sandokan is his most favorite hero of his youth.

So I thought to make him a special gift and asked Massimo to make me a figure. In the end Massimo made it for free for me (!!) and he painted and arranged it on the base too. So I wanted to make a gift and got one myself - or at least I had a gift for free:-)

Looks like the original:-)

As I am always the one who wants to have big dioramas and just finished "Flashman's Lady" two weeks ago, I already had some strange thoughts about Brook and his campaigns in Borne....

3 Kommentare:

  1. This figure is perfect, one of the best from Massimo, or maybe the best. The face, the clothes and the pose are so lifelike and similar with the original!
    Please Uwe, send me one examplar of it! ;-)

  2. Hi Krisztian,

    sorry, this is not a metal casting, but a painted master for my friend. It won't go into production. But we can think about one in the future.


  3. A great little figure, coming out of Massimos hands - this I call a gift under friends!
