
Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015

Watching the charge of Picket's divisions at Gettysburg

Hi guys,

in our increasing range of ACW personalities and Artillerycrews here we have now Lee and Longstreet with a horseholder as well as a crew of Artillery waiting.

I took a screenshot from Youtube

And here see what Massimo made from it

See them soon in our shop, each set sold seperately :-)

4 Kommentare:

  1. These are absolutely stunning - don't tell me I'm going to have to start collecting ACW armies now...!

    1. Oh no, please stay with your Peninsular war subject. I like the photos on your blog! :-)

  2. They are lovely,,well done that man!!!

  3. Looks good - a must have for all people who like the ACW !
