
Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015

French revolution diorama

I found a very nice diorama of the French Revolution here.

The paintjob could be better but I think he has very nice conversion ideas. Check his other projects too. And the groundwork is also good made.

All in all some great ideas - and I am glad to see that I am not the only one interested in the subject:-)

Here some photos from it

Massimo also sent over some photos from our figures he made ready for display at Kulmbach in two weeks

BTW, at Kulmbach I will have several sets of Waterloo 1815s British staff for Waterloo. In case you want some and safe the horrendous postage form Italy let me know.

Here the revolutionary figures he assembled. First the Austrian infantry,

And we also have the first French advancing infantry ready. The idea was to have an attack formation in different uniforms. Here the old Royal army white uniform

For those of you needing some uniform references, at the moment I am selling this book here (beside others) at Ebay. Check for German seller "JRGP"

3 Kommentare:

  1. Uwe - I'd be delighted to get a set of the Waterloo 1815 metal British staff if possible - regards - Tony

  2. A formidable collection of dastardly Republicans there Uwe.

    I can second a recommendation for the Glenn Thompson. Excellent book.

    1. I was sure that you as an Irish like this book:-)
      Google-Books has a lot of accounts on the revellion too.

      And we need figures for it! Trent Miniatures has a great range of 28mm figures for it.
