
Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2015

Several new sets from Hagen - for example Napoleon himself

As a special for my French Revolutionary series I asked another Patrick from Midnight Greys to make me a special figure of Napoleon at Arcole. Here the result.

I thought there are a lot of Napoleon figures on the market, but the only one I know as a revolutionary General is from Lancier Bleu and no longer available.

More revolutionary figures are already on the way and will be in the mould soon. The "Grenadier" needs a correction in his headgear, the middle one is a Carabinier from the light infantry, the last one another light bob in helmet.

Here two more regular poses of advancing french infantry

 Austrians in regular poses to add to the existing range

Our hobbyfriend Jaques from South-America sent masters of his Regular Afghan infantry for the second Afghan war which we now also have in the shop.

Beside this Andy was able to put Massimo's latest ACW sets into a mould so that we have them ready at Kulmbach in one month.

Longstreet and Lee available with two horseholders (as in the movie)

Or simply the two guys alone

Not to forget the two new British paratroopers our friend Michael added to his range of Arnhem 1944.

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