
Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2016

New SYW figures from Hagen in 1/72 and also in 28mm

A lot of visitors on this blog come over from TMP. Usually the comments there are "great figures, but wrong scale". Well that is a point of view....

But the good thing is that several collectors who are interested in the system of the own production joint our group and asked for 28mm figures too.

So here are some photos of figures we got in the shop or will soon have there:

Michael sent figures made by Ingo for him years ago. We will expand this range of SYW Austrians in 28mm. These guys are already in the shop

Next will be Prussian infantry made by Massimo. Yes I know the poses are not regular ones, but this is what the hobbyfriend asked for!

But in 1/72 we have new figures made by Denis - and these guys are really great. French infantry for the SYW or FIW.

See the first photo of how they come out from the mould. You have two option of heads, musketeers or grenadiers. The second photo how I assebled them this morning. You see the regular positions from the drillbook.

Denis had done a lot of poses. These are the first to come. He wants to cover the complete French army from this period. Well I gave him a book about the light troops from this period:-)

Here are figures from his collection which he had on display at Mainz last year

You can get these figures here


4 Kommentare:

  1. They all look fantastic! The new ones as the painted ones! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Gibt's die Kavallerie irgendwo zu kaufen? Von der Artillerie und Infanterie habe ich schon was.



    1. Hallo Papenheimer,

      ja, guckst Du hier:

      Viele Grüße
