
Sonntag, 29. Juli 2018

Going back to Ulundi

After three posts with different subjects I come back to our project.

Today I finished 90 British infantrymen of the 21st Regiment and completed the 216 men of this unit who fought at Ulundi.

Also four more 17th lancers. The problem is we show the time when the cavalry was still in the square. So waiting, standing poses are needed. Each HAT-Set has just four of these poses. Beside this there are some nice figures from Nikolai which we can use. I have some of the sets, but for bigger numbers they are too expensive.

So it is - as usual - converting...

Talking about conversions, the next unit I have in mind are Baker's horse, 92 men strong at Ulundi.
Here the text from the Osprey MAA 388 - Zulu war volunteers

Before I start painting more frontier lighthorse - Can anybody help with more information on them?

The Transvaal-Rangers had 67 men at Ulundi. It looked like they had the typical cord-uniform in black with Foreign service helmet. I have only this photo here:

Same question as above - can somebody help?

Ok and at least the new photos from Alfred - Zulus, a lot of them....

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