
Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2020

Prussian cavalry for Bredows charge at Mars la Tour 1870

One of the most famos stories of the Franco-Prussian war is the death ride of Bredow's Brigade at Mars la Tour. More about the battle you can read at Wikipedia.

Prussian Cuirassiers and Ulans charged the French lines, took several guns and broke two lines of French infantry. Afterwarts they were pushed back and hunted by French Cavalry.

The charge bought enough time for the Prussian infantry to reform its ranks and continue the fighting. In German teachings after the war, this charge was seen as a success, so in 1914 it was repeated time and again by several nations until they learned, that a machine gun is enough to stop such an attack.

My plan is to create this charge as part of a 1870 project. Patrick has all the Frenchmen from his Solferino project, just a few conversions to 1870 guns has to be done.

Now we have the Cuirassers and hopefully Massimo has time to sculpt me the Ulans next.

Here the castings of this set. It will be available from - or if you can't wait contact Massimo directly who sells them in his well known boxes with a uniformplate.

And here some impressions from the battle. You see, the subject is very well covered in paintings:-)

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