
Dienstag, 8. September 2020

Sudan 1884

When I was 16 years old, my Mom allowed me the first time to watch a movie after 10 pm on Saturday night (hard times these days). The movie was "Karthoum" with Charlton Heston. Since then - beside the Zulu war - this campaign became my favourite British colonial campaign. With the Range from HAT I was able to create bigger armies for it. Before I had some conversions from plastics, Jacklex figures, Hinton-Hunt and Scruby figures. When I talked with Massimo about the subject, he told me British colonial wars are his favourites too. And as he likes Highlanders, he started to sculpt some figures which he sold under his own lable. Now we thought about a project for which he sent me photos of his first painted Highlanders - very promising!

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