
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022

Celtic-Roman museum in Manching

 I have a job at which I am often on tour through Bavaria. Last week, a meeting was cancelled, why I was on the way to Nuremberg and close to Ingolstadt. So I took the chance to visit the Römer-Kelten museum in Manching.

They had a special exhibition on the Roman army. The owner of this exhibition is my hobbyfriend Thomas Kurtz. That was reason enough to have a break:-)

Not only the special exhibition but the museum itself is always worth a visit

3 Kommentare:

  1. Fantastic models and exibits! Thanks so much for bringing them to us Uwe.
    Regards, James

  2. An impressive row of dioramas.
    Is that a Trekkie redshirt wielding a yellow extractor on the Oppidum entry diorama?

    1. Where do you see this redshirt? I can't recognize such a figure
