
Samstag, 9. Juli 2022

Various recent photos

 Now as we had our Medway Diorama on show (I can't see any Romans in the next time), I fully concentrated on the diorama of Korbitz.

Paiting complete units could be boring work, but the result in the end is impressing.

Here I started on the 4th Prussian hussars. In the time of the SYW the regiments bred their own horses. And the 4th had some special ones

Beside working on the project, I always try to paint 2-3 sets from the huge pile. This time, some exotic 3d-printed figures from Ebay France.

1812 Cossack artillery and 2eme Eclaireurs de la Garde (The one on the left has a strange way to wear his shako....)

Another idea was that there are no bad figures, but only bad paintjobs. I tried some very old Marx US infantry. After brushing, they looked ok. as usual on photos my closeup photos are a nightmare:-)

When visiting Schmitty to prepare the stuff for Medway, I took a look in his "hobbyroom". I wish I would have such space. He is working on a diorama of Arnhem 1944. 

And he had a good find on Ebay or something else

At another blog, I found this photo, can't remember where. Such a light dragoon would be very interesting to me. Does anybody know, from which game it is?

Manfred Fuchs sent me these two photos from his Austrian Militia

And finally a photo from the leftovers of Blackwatch, which we haven't sold at the dioramica. You can help us cover the costs of the fair with a little order:-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello Uwe, The dragoon figure, and the General figure to his right, are from the game - 'Hold the Line. The American Revolution' from Worthing ton Games. Go here for a look: You may get a copy second-hand from Boardgamegeek or Ebay. Cheers. Glenn
