Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2025

WW1 Russian command figures

 Roland Kupski painted our new set of WW1 Russian command figures.

Very impressing

Sonntag, 26. Januar 2025

New 3D Hessen-Kassel or Prussian SYW infantry

 My mate Markus Gärtner, who has published several books in the past contacted me and wanted to talk about figure production. Together we thought it a good idea to produce "the figures that go with the book".

Markus' favourite subject are the Germans in the American war of independence.  His latest book is on sell with Berliner Zinnfiguren. So far only in German, but I hope they will think about an English version too. 

So, now here having the Hessians published, we wanted to have the figures. Markus himself is a collector of 54mm figures and I told him, the advantage of 3D is, everybody can have them in his favorite scale. 

So here you see our first joined project - Hessen-Kassel Musketeers charging American trenches in the AWI - or as I would say, a counter-attack of the Prussian Freebatallion Wunsch at Korbitz:-)

If you are interested in the figures, you can order them in our shop at Blackwatch

Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2025

Darek's latest work

 While we have many posibilities with 3D these days, Darek is still working like in the old days with green stuff. I wish, I would be able to convert figures in this way.

Here we have what I would call Italian Cacciatori a caballo in 1813 and Eastern European (Rus) warriors 14th/15th century

Samstag, 18. Januar 2025

3D opens up many possibilities

At Blackwatch, we have switched from hand-modeled masters to 3D drawings for cost reasons. We now only build our own dioramas with self-printed figures.

As always, we try to at least partially cover our costs by selling figures. At first we thought about having the figures cast in tin and have also added some sets in 1:72 scale to the shop.

In the meantime, I prefer to paint figures from the printer myself, no burrs, no sharp edges. And we use a resin that doesn't break the figure immediately if you look at it too closely. With this in mind, we decided to offer both printed figures and the files for your own printing at Blackwatch.

However, the idea of ​​metal figures and the possibility of producing other scales wouldn't leave me alone.

With this in mind, I gave our Spanish caster Enrique a print of one of our 1870s French Guard Grenadiers in 54mm scale. The last delivery arrived yesterday, including casts of this figure.

What do you think about the production of such large figures?

Freitag, 10. Januar 2025

Battle of Peterwardein 1716

 After a longer time, our hobbyfriend Stefan Meyer found back to the greatest hobby on earth and created a new diorama:-)

I was impressed to see the first bigger one on this subject of the Great Ottoman war 

Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2024

Hungarian Uprising (or 1st war of independence) in 15mm

I know Krisztian for nearly 20 years now. He helped in 2006 when we created the Hastings diorama at the DUZI in the old times and together we worked on a lake Peipus diorama which was on show on the Hungarian model fair in Mosonmagyarovar.

Krisztian is a devoted wargamer, who is interested in many subjects, the focus is of course on Hungarian history. Together with friends, he created some very nice medieval dioramas of eastern European history.

When Andy and I started Blackwatch, over 10 years ago, Krisztian painted for me my very first set of British Sepoys, so that I can show what we had to sell.

As an Hungarian, one of Krisztians's main subject of interested is the 1st war of Hungarian independence 1848-1849. I use his wording for the conflict, my own German books call the war different:-)

Being a wargamer, Krisztian started sculpting his own range of figures for this campaign. You can see many of his photos on facebooks, blogs etc. I am wondering, how fast this range is and with which units he is increasing the range again and again. Now he has even Russians, which are also useful for the crimean war. 

The only thing, I have to criticise is the wrong scale - 15mm, instead ot 1:72....

Krisztian asked me, if we could help him, offering his figures in our shop to help him cover his costs and motivate him to continue with his work. Well, we are always glad to help hobbyfriends and so here you are

Here some photos from his figures

The subject is teasing me... My late friend Martin Makalkca also wanted to have Austrian armies of this period in 1:72 and we started producing some. Because of his far to early death, we were never able to complete the range. But now with 3D-technics, I think sooner or later we will take the subject on.

So let's see what happens, 1848/1849 in Europe is a very interesting period, that still has to be covered properly with figures. 

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2024

Battle of Rossbach with flats

 Again a series of photos from our hobbyfriend Frank Velte.

this time the description of the photos gives the details of the units shown