Dienstag, 1. Januar 2019

A new year - a record - and new masters

Hi mates,

A new years starts, I have a lot of plans what figures to paint and on which dioramas I would like to work. I guess you have such plans too and wish, that your dreams come true!

Last week I passed the 1-Million-Hits mark. But when I see how many spams I have from strange sides which have nothing to do with our hobby I guess that is nothing to celebrate here.

But I am sure several hundred thousands are true visitors, so I will continue posting :-)

In one of our never-ending ranges we opened a new chapter. For the Franco-Prussian war we got some of the lesser known units (at least in this war) - Brunswick infantry.

See here the photos of the first Master Massimo made for it.

Between all the blue Prussians I guess this is something "colorful" :-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Happy new year.
    I agree with the spam hits...sort of makes reaching Milestones a bit..er?
