As painting of shields often brings me to the borders of my ability, I wanted to try some shield-decails for the front-ranks of my Celtic host.
I have so many Celts waiting for the Diorama (exactly 2.104 today) with simply painted Esci/Revell/Italerie-shields, Here I wanted to bring a little bit more colour and quality in the units.
So I have ordered two sheets from TS Miniaturen and tried my luck.
Some badly painted Revell Celts from an Ebay-auction still lay around.
Much more colours in one way, but I am still not happy. Especially with the Airfix figure.
Beside this, I used a little bit too much Umbra when washing the figures:-)
The next time, I will cut away the shields completely and will glue the decail on some cardboard. And maybe I should add the shieldboss with some putty. The question is, do we see all these details in such a huge horde?
What are your experiences with this kind of shield-designs? I guess I have less trouble when I paint the Qualitycast Celts, that are lying around.
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