Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024

Nassau Grenadiers at Hougomont

 Our hobbyfriend Thomas Mischak ask Frank Ziegler to sculpt him a set of Nassau Grenadiers after the painting from Knötel

Here you see the result, painted by Thomas himself

If you want to increase your collection, you can buy the figures here

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

And now also 3D-files from Compagnie d'Elite

 Today our hobby-mate Peter started his own shop at Wargaming 3D, where you can load down some of his files.  I already have the Wehrmacht Draisine in my collection, a nice little subject for a WW2 diorama or wargame.

Many more vehicles will follow and I guess, I should also put all our figure files in there too.

In the future, I hope for much more stuff from Peter. Especially WW1 and 19th century stuff.

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024

3D masters and files from Blackwatch Miniatures

 Maybe some of you have recognized, that in our shop at blackwatch miniatures, we had some new sets, made from 3D-masters. 

The reason is, we are unable to cover the costs of our production with hand sculpted masters (as great as they are). 

For Patrick and me this is our hobby and we don't have to make a living from it. On the other hand, we have not an endless ammount of money to spare on our hobby. At least this, what our wifes tell uns (LOL). 

Our "problem" is, that every Euro we earn from the selling, went (and will go) into new masters and this ways in our new diorama projects and of course in the shop. And we have many ideas for futures projects:-) Some of them you would be able to see at the Dioramica this autumn.

With 3D-figures, we can not only offer casted metal figures, but also offer the files for those who are able to print the figures and our hobbyfriends, who would like to have them in other scales. 

Because of this, we decided also to offer the 3D-files for download at MyMiniFactory.

As usual, we have no mainstream figures to offer. For this the mainstream producers who make a living from it are responsible.

But if you are like me interested in obscure subjects, maybe this would be interesting for you.

The link to our shop is

And we promise, every cent profit goes into new masters!

See here some of our printed figures in scale 1:72 

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024

Museum of the Foreign Legion at Schillingsfürst Castle

 I have a great job, often being on the road. When I have the time, I check which museums are in the area and make a visit.

Did you know that the sources of the French Foreign legion are in Franconia? Maybe you know the Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst always fought for the French king, first in the French revolution and in 1816 he founded the new French foreign regiment of Hohenlohe, which was the forerunner of the FFL.

At the castle of Schillingsfürst is a little museum, showing uniforms and equipment ot the FFL.

When I visited it, only two rooms where open because of some works. 

Nobody was there, so I wasn't able to ask if their would be more to see. All the uniforms I have seen are from the period of 1946 onwards. 

There is also a historical museum. Beside this, the castle was the headquarter of the Legion Mirabeau in the time of the French revolution. 

So if you are in the area, I would suggest you make a little visit. Their restaurant also had some Franconian specialities:-)

And as this is a blog about figures - I also saw these two little dioramas. 

as there was just one each of this poses in the Esci set, I am wondering what they did with the rest of the figures.

Freitag, 19. April 2024

New Nassau Infantry from Frank

 Our Hobbymate Thomas Mischak asked Frank to sculpt him some Nassau Grenadiers for his Waterloo project. 

These figures will be available from Hagen soon.

Some of you may have reocgnized he source:-)

And my hobbyfriend Rainer told me, he had worked on the subject with flat figures too. 
Take a look at his blog

You have to scroll down a little bit to find Quatre bras

Dienstag, 16. April 2024

Some projects for the Danish-Prussian war 1864

 Our hobbyfriend Jan Kronisch sent me some photos the units he paints for the attack on the Trenches at Dueppel 1864. The first painted Danish from our range, I have seen so far. 

I also like to see the Cuirassiers. Myself, I am painting on the death ride of Bredow's brigade at Mars la Tour. Another of the many projects, I have in mind:-)

Samstag, 23. März 2024

Batavian uprising

 Patrick created a new diorama for the museum projects of Mules of Marius. If you want to rent a diorama for an exhibition, they are your men.

More at Facebook

And some photos, I made myself on my last visit in the museum