Freitag, 19. April 2024

New Nassau Infantry from Frank

 Our Hobbymate Thomas Mischak asked Frank to sculpt him some Nassau Grenadiers for his Waterloo project. 

These figures will be available from Hagen soon.

Some of you may have reocgnized he source:-)

And my hobbyfriend Rainer told me, he had worked on the subject with flat figures too. 
Take a look at his blog

You have to scroll down a little bit to find Quatre bras

Dienstag, 16. April 2024

Some projects for the Danish-Prussian war 1864

 Our hobbyfriend Jan Kronisch sent me some photos the units he paints for the attack on the Trenches at Dueppel 1864. The first painted Danish from our range, I have seen so far. 

I also like to see the Cuirassiers. Myself, I am painting on the death ride of Bredow's brigade at Mars la Tour. Another of the many projects, I have in mind:-)