My mate Markus Gärtner, who has published several books in the past contacted me and wanted to talk about figure production. Together we thought it a good idea to produce "the figures that go with the book".
Markus' favourite subject are the Germans in the American war of independence. His latest book is on sell with Berliner Zinnfiguren. So far only in German, but I hope they will think about an English version too.
So, now here having the Hessians published, we wanted to have the figures. Markus himself is a collector of 54mm figures and I told him, the advantage of 3D is, everybody can have them in his favorite scale.
So here you see our first joined project - Hessen-Kassel Musketeers charging American trenches in the AWI - or as I would say, a counter-attack of the Prussian Freebatallion Wunsch at Korbitz:-)
If you are interested in the figures, you can order them in our shop at Blackwatch